The XGameStation is a series of embedded systems, primarily designed as a dedicated home video game console, created by Andre LaMothe and sold by his company Nurve Networks LLC. Originally designed to teach electronics and video game development to programmers,[1][2] newer models concentrate more on logic design, multi-core programming, game programming, and embedded system design and programming with popular microcontrollers.
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The XGameStation was originally conceived of as a handheld system called the nanoGear[3] based around the 68HC12 microprocessor, a modern derivative of the 6809. The system would also contain modern derivatives of the 6502 and Z-80 microprocessors, for retro coders and hackers, and to make emulation of classic computer and video game systems easier. After several iterations, the plan changed to use an ARM microprocessor and an FPGA on which a custom designed GPU was implemented. But after finishing this project it was decided that the resulting system was cost prohibitive and much too advanced for beginners. Instead, the plan was changed again finally resulting in the XGS Micro Edition, based on the SX52 microcontroller. The ARM and FPGA-based system was renamed the XGS Mega Edition after the release of the Micro Edition, and though planned to be sold, it was never released.
The XGS Micro Edition was announced in 2004.[5] The XGS Micro Edition is a pre-built video game console based around the SX52 microcontroller,[6] which is a high-speed PIC microcontroller running at 80 MHz for a total of 80 MIPS. The color television video signal is generated in software on the microcontroller. Sound is generated by a ROHM BU8763 chip. For input, the system has a single PS/2 connector for keyboard or mouse input, as well as two DB-9 for connecting Atari-compatible joysticks. Programming is done in assembly language or in a custom written XGS Basic, either on a PC and then transferred to the console or on the system itself. It has add-on packs for creating your own expansion card and electronic experimenting kit. The Micro Edition contains the XGameStation unit, "Designing Your Own Video Game Console" - a detailed book in PDF format teaching the basics of electronics, a power supply, A/V cables, a joystick, a COM cable, and a few extras such as a PDF version of one of Andre LaMothe's previous books "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus".[7]
The Pico Edition is a simplified version of the Micro Edition in a build-it-yourself kit.[10] The Pico Edition was announced in 2005.[11] The Pico Edition is based around the SX28 microcontroller,[12] which, like the SX52, is a high-speed PIC microcontroller running at 80 MHz for a total of 80 MIPS, though it has less RAM and Flash capacity. Like the Micro Edition, the color television video signal is generated in software on the microcontroller. However, unlike the Micro Edition, the audio signal is also generated directly by the microcontroller and not by an external chip. For input, the system simply reads pushbuttons connected to its input pins. Programming is done in assembly language or in a custom written XGS Basic, on a PC and then transferred to the console. The Pico comes in several different kit forms: the 1.0 kit which comes with a breadboard, a CD with assembly instructions and selected chapters of the same ebook as the Micro Edition and the same extras, the SX28, and the discrete components of the system; and the 2.0 kit, which consists of the 1.0 kit and a solderless PCB[13] (which is also available as an add-on separately); and the Game Console Starter Kit, which includes the 2.0 kit, a hard copy of "The Black Art of Video Game Console Design", and a soldering iron and solder.
Released on December 26, 2008, the XGS AVR 8-Bit and XGS PIC 16-Bit development systems are embedded system development kits, meant to be very competitive entry/midrange development kits for their respective microcontrollers. The systems were designed together and so share much of the same design other than the main processor. The video signal is generated in software like the XGS Micro and Pico Editions; however, there is color helper hardware to generate the colorburst part of the video signal. The audio signal is also generated directly by the microcontroller. For input, like the XGS Micro, two DB-9 ports and a PS/2 port are supplied. However, instead of being compatible with Atari joysticks, the DB-9 ports are compatible with Nintendo gamepads (though directly connecting an NES or SNES controller would require a pin adapter). Unlike the prior XGS and Hydra systems, programming is primarily in C/C++, utilizing system-specific libraries, though assembly programming and a custom written XGS Basic are also available. The XGS Basic code runs on both systems without modification. Unlike the XGS Micro Edition, code cannot be edited on the system itself - a PC is required. The XGS AVR 8-Bit processor is an Atmel MEGA AVR 644P with 64K FLASH and 4K SRAM running at over 28 MIPS. The XGS PIC 16-Bit processor is a PIC24 with 256K FLASH and 16K SRAM running at over 40 MIPS.
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3 Andr LaMothe (Author of Tricks of the Windows The Black Art of Video Game Console Design by Andr LaMothe, David Perry (Foreword by), Ralph Baer (Foreword by) Black Art of 3D Game Programming: Black Art of Video Game Console Design, The Andre Black Art of Video Game Console Design, The Andre LaMothe in Books, Magazines, Textbooks ebay Andr LaMothe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the world's first DIY video game console development LaMothe developed the "Black Art Series" for Waite Group The Black Art of Video Game Console Design; Black Art of Video Game Console Design ebook Black Art of Video Game Console Design ebook. Black Art of Video Game Console Design by Andre LaMothe. Black Art of Video Game Console Design ebook download The Black Art of Video Game Console Design by The Black Art of Video Game Console Design by Andre LaMothe, Ralph Baer (Foreword by), David Perry (Foreword by) - Find this book online from $ Get new, rare The black art of video game console design (Book, The black art of video game console design. Andr LaMothe. # Video games--equipment and supplies--design and construction schema: Black Art of Video Game Console Design, The - Black Art of Video Game Console Design, The Description &a>breaks new ground in game development by bridging the alien worlds of hardware and software together for The Black Art of Video Game Console Design by The Black Art of Video Game Console Design has 11 ratings and 2 reviews. William said: Very helpful and informative. It's really more of a book that you Andre LaMothe: used books, rare books and new Andre LaMothe (Andre Lamothe) used books, rare books and new books The Black Art of Video Game Console Design The Black Art of Video Game Console Design: Andre Written by Computer Scientist Andre' LaMothe, the world's best selling game programming author,the Black Art of Video Game Console Designbreaks new ground in game The Black Art of Video Game Console The Black Art of Video Game Console Other binding. &a>breaks new The Black Art of Video Game Console Design is written The Black Art of Video Game Exteen Blog Black Art of Video Game Console Design. Andre LaMothe. Black.Art.of.Video.Game.Console.Design.pdf ISBN: pages 25 Mb Download Black Art of Video
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