We do not send or email you the software. Please read carefully. Before your software is available to download, we will need to authorize your order. This means a member of staff will check eligibility and due-diligence. Once this is complete, you can download this software from Your Downloadable Products area of our website.
Some programming software may require an obsolete operating system such as M.S. DOS, Windows 3.1x, Windows 95/98, or Windows XP for example. You can usually run obsolete operating systems inside virtualization software such as VirtualBox virtualization software. The obsolete operating systems can usually be legally obtained from WinWorld.
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For convenience, we offer software for download instead of physical CD delivery. Software provided by Radiotronics is supplied free of charge. Any fee you pay to us in the process of obtaining software should be regarded as a "download and administration fee", which simply covers the cost of data file storage and the bandwidth used when downloading the software. The "download and administration fee" can range from $0 to $250 and is directly proportional to the size of the files and the number of files available for download. Any software Radiotronics provides will remain the property of the manufacturer and, whilst you are free to use it to configure your radio or device, you will NOT own the software.
All software downloads are free, and most come with a Developer License that allows you to use full versions of the products at no charge while developing and prototyping your applications, or for strictly self-educational purposes. (Unless otherwise specified, our technical support organization will not provide technical support, phone support, or updates to you for the programs licensed under this agreement.) You can buy products with full-use licenses at any time from the online Store or from your sales representative.
You've just received your two way radio, taken it out of the package, and now you want to get it operational. You plugged in the programming cable, downloaded the driver, set up the software, and connected the cable the radio to program it.
Here are the steps to troubleshoot if the programming software for your two way radio does not recognize the COM Port or the programming cable purchased from Buy Two Way Radios. Step 1. Verify the programming cable is installed correctly.
Step 6. If the program does not recognize the programming cable or the COM Port assigned to it, refer to the manufacturer of the programming software. If you are using CHIRP programming software, go to the CHIRP web site at and download the latest daily build of CHIRP or report the issue to CHIRP.
This is the same as any other to modify to the amateur service from a software perspective. The issue is these radios are narrow band only on the receive path, as the 200 MHz band was never used for 25 KHz channels. Transmit will support wide band (and must be aligned for wide band first!) The IF filters simply need to be swapped with their wide band parts and wide band receive alignment performed.
I've changed out the second filters and found it works much better on the ham bands. You need to adjust the squelch for 20/25khz channels after doing this. The tuner software (2.00.02) will do this for the HT1250 only, it will not work with the mobiles. Use winabler to access the greyed out menus in tuner 2.16.
You'll need to now tune the 20 and 25 KHz squelch settings in the tuner software. The issue here is the tuner software will not let you select the 20 and 25 KHz from the drop down menu. Using Winabler this can capture the tuner menu and enable these.
Looks like you're an existing customer, which means you can skip the signup process and find your template inside Jira Service Management. Go ahead and log in to your Jira Service Management site. See you there!\n\n\n\nWhere to find your template\n\nOnce you've logged into Jira Service Management, you can find your template by creating a new project from the Projects dropdown or by contacting your site admin.\n\n\n\n", "templatesModalJiraWorkManagement":"\nJira Work Management\n\nMeet you inside Jira Work Management!\n\nLooks like you're an existing customer, which means you can skip the signup process and find your template inside Jira Work Management. Go ahead and log in to your Jira Work Management site. See you there!\n\n\n\nWhere to find your template\n\nOnce you've logged into Jira Work Management, you can find your template by creating a new project from the Projects dropdown or by contacting your site admin.\n\n\n\n", "templatesModalJiraSoftware":"\nJira Software\n\nMeet you inside Jira Software!\n\nLooks like you're an existing customer, which means you can skip the signup process and find your template inside Jira Software. Go ahead and log in to your Jira Software site. See you there!\n\n\n\nWhere to find your template\n\nOnce you've logged into Jira Software, you can find your template by creating a new project from the Projects dropdown or by contacting your site admin.\n\n\n\n", "templatesModalConfluence":"", "paginateItems":0, "paginatePosition":"both", "paginateAlign":"center", "featuredPagesSize":4, "globalLinkClass":"", "globalLinkIcon":"", "showStaticCategory":true, "hideCategoryCounts":false, "hideCategories":false, "logoMaxWidth":"80px", "logoMaxHeight":"80px, 90%", "uuid":"3", "keepSorted":false, "sortKey":"", "linkToModal":false, "modalLinkParam":"", "useJSON":false, "jsonURL":"", "jsonPath":"", "htmlUnescapedFieldId":"config", "titleFieldId":"navTitle", "linkLabelFieldId":"linkLabel", "descriptionFieldId":"templateCardMessage", "logoFieldId":"Icon", "imageFieldId":"templateIcon", "linkFieldId":"link", "dateFieldId":"date", "customField1Id":"filterDescription", "customField2Id":"filterDescription", "customField3Id":"customField3", "customCategoryKey":"color", "customCategory2Key":"color", "customCategoryAllKey":"product", "gridClasses":" column-lg-3 column-md-6", "attributesArray":["image" , "customField1" , "title" , "description"], "modalAttributesArray":[], "showShadows":true, "makeItemClickable":true, "isIntegrations":false, "categories":"categories": "label": "", "emptyCategory": "All Integrations", "options": , "activeCategories":"categories": "label": "", "emptyCategory": "All Integrations", "options": , "itemsArr":["pageSlug":"business-status-update" ,"templateId":"" ,"filterCloudProduct":"" ,"uuid":"efd11524-ed" ,"navTitle":"business status update" ,"showingCategory":"featured" ,"editItemLink":"\/software/confluence/templates/business-status-update" ,"templateCardMessage":"Provide regular updates to leadership and the wider team on business and product performance." ,"config":"" ,"Icon":"" ,"templateIcon":" -cdn-2.atlassian.com/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto/dam/jcr:c1aa5bca-94fb-4a14-be34-210dca5f6794/business-status-update.svg?cdnVersion=760" ,"date":"" ,"filterDescription":"Steven Bao\nR & D Program Manager\nAtlassian" ,"sorterDate":"25 10 1970" ,"backgroundColor":"" ,"unsortedCategories":[] ,"categories":[] ,"link":"\/software/confluence/templates/business-status-update" ,"linkLabel":"" ,"searchString":"business status update provide regular updates to leadership and the wider team on business and product performance. 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