Added support for Clear coat in V-Ray Material, V-Ray 2 Sided Material, Glossy Fresnel reflections, Substance textures, V-Ray MultiSubTex, MultiTexture, ForestColor, Normal maps, Global ambient occlusion, and more.
Tags: 3DS, 3ds max, ambient light, ambient occlusion, animated textures, animation, animation editor, arch viz, architectural visualization, auto exposure, batch rendering, camera animation, camera move, CG-Source, Chaos, Chaos Cosmos, Chaos Group, Chaos Vantage, Chaos Vantage 1.1, Chaos Vantage 1.2, Chaos Vantage 1.3, Chaos Vantage 1.4, Chaos Vantage 1.5, Chaos Vantage 1.6, Chaos Vantage 1.7, Chaos Vantage 1.7.2, Chaos Vantage 1.7.4, Cinema 4D, clay mode, clay render, clear coat, cloud system, Collada, command line, composition grid, composition guide, composition overlay, contrast adjustment, DAE, Datasmith, DeNoiser, denoising, DirectX Raytracing, dome light, DXR, environment fog, environment scouting, FBX, Filmic Toneamp, Forest Color, Forest Pack, frame rate, free licence, GeForce RTX, glTF, GPU rendering, HDRI, Hue/Saturation, interactive, iToo Software, Lavina, light group, lighting, live link, look development, LUT, LUTs, Maya, MKV, modo, motion blur, MP4, multitexture, new features, NVIDIA, OBJ, OptiX, PBR material, physical camera, physical sky, physical sun and sky, PLY, PNG, portal light, Post tab, previs, price, pricing, Project Lavina, Quadro RTX, Ray termination, ray tracing, real time, render denoising, render queue, rendering, Rhino, scene exploration, screen recording, set up camera positions, SketchUp, STL, subscription only, sun animation, supported features, system requirements, TER, texture streaming, Titan RTX, Triplanar, Unreal Engine, UVWRandomizer, V-Ray, V-Ray 6 for 3ds Max, V-Ray Enterprise, V-Ray GPU, V-Ray Material, V-Ray Premium, Vantage 1.3, Vantage 1.4, Vantage 1.5, Vantage 1.6, Vantage 1.7.4, Vantage 1.8, vfx, virtual set, visual effects, visualization, VRay2SidedMtl, VRayDirt, VRayDistanceTex, VRayMtl, VRayMultiSubTex, VRaySun, vrmesh, vrscene
Ambient Occlusion Vray Sketchup Crackl